pineapple case study nothers the award store

Client: Pineapple

The Situation:

Pineapple approached Nothers in 2021 in search of a reliable supplier for custom-designed awards. Their objective was to find a distinctive way to recognize outstanding sales achievements across their company.


The primary challenge was creating an award that not only stood out in size but also effectively represented the Pineapple brand. Additionally, the client sought a solution that balanced cost-efficiency and the logistical challenge of custom packaging for nationwide distribution.


Production Strategy: Our team worked to develop a large custom award along with a fully customized base.  We also utilized our UV laser to ensure that Pineapple’s corporate colours were matched for optimal brand identity.

Release Program: To manage costs and logistics efficiently, we implemented a release program where awards were paid for upfront. This arrangement locked in the award price for three years and included storage at our facilities, eliminating the need for client-managed inventory.

Packaging: We sourced custom boxes that fit the large awards perfectly, enhancing their presentation while ensuring safe delivery directly to the recipients across Canada.


The introduction of these custom awards at Pineapple has been met with enthusiastic approval. The distinctive design and strategic handling of logistics and inventory control have significantly enhanced their sales recognition program.

Key Takeaways:

Brand Enhancement: Our custom design process ensured that each award was a true representation of the Pineapple brand, contributing to a stronger corporate identity.

Cost-Effective Solutions: The release program demonstrated our commitment to cost-efficiency, providing substantial savings in both time and financial resources.

Logistical Excellence: By managing the entire logistics process, from storage to individual deliveries, we provided a seamless service that allowed Pineapple to focus on its core business activities.

Employee Recognition: The sales achievement awards have been well-received by the team at Pineapple, effectively making their team feel recognized and appreciated for excellence.