Revamping Awards for the University of Waterloo Athletics Department

Client: University of Waterloo Athletics

The Situation:

The University of Waterloo Athletics Department faced a milestone: transitioning their traditional chenille awards to a more contemporary format. This shift required a balance to preserve the historical significance of their longstanding awards while upgrading them to a more modern and sustainable format. 

The Challenges:

The primary challenge was to modernize the awards without losing the essence of tradition that had been a hallmark of the University of Waterloo's athletic awards. The transition from chenille to UV-printed replicas needed to respect the past while embracing the future.

The Solutions:

Nothers stepped forward with a creative solution that involved the use of sustainable materials to craft acrylic replicas of the historic awards. Inspired by successful redesigns for clients like Ontario Soccer and Rugby Ontario, the solution aimed to blend tradition with innovative design. These modern awards were developed to mirror the prestige of the original chenille versions while offering durability and contemporary appeal.

The Results:

The newly designed awards were enthusiastically received by the team at the University of Waterloo. The athletes were particularly impressed with the updated design, which maintained the prestigious feel of the awards while introducing a fresh, modern touch. This acceptance underscored the success of the transition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Preservation of Tradition: Maintaining the aesthetic and historical significance of traditional awards while updating the design.
  • Innovative Design: Incorporating modern materials and techniques to enhance sustainability and aesthetic appeal.
  • Positive Reception: Ensuring that the updates are well-received by recipients, balancing respect for legacy with contemporary needs.